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Art and Design


At St Anne’s Fulshaw, we believe that every child has the right to a curriculum that provides them with a creative outlet and a range of artistic experiences. We understand the immense value that having the ability to express themselves creatively provides for children’s emotional wellbeing.

At St Anne’s Fulshaw Primary School children will:

  • Gain a toolkit of skills to enable them to express themselves creatively in a range of ways;
  • Develop a good understanding of different types of art including drawing, form, printing and textiles;
  • Experience a range of different types of art through studying different artists including local artists;
  • Be immersed in artistic experiences so that they are confident and competent at drawing with scale and perspective and are able to represent their imaginative ideas in a physical way;
  • Feel safe enough to express themselves without judgement or comparison with an understanding that the enjoyment of artwork is subjective and differences of opinion are celebrated;
  • Take ownership of their own progression in art by focusing on self-assessment and responding to verbal feedback from their teachers.


To ensure high standards of teaching and learning in art and design, we implement a curriculum that is progressive across the whole school. Art and design is taught as part of a half-termly or termly topic, focusing on the knowledge and skills detailed in the National Curriculum.

The art and design curriculum is based upon the national curriculum, which provides a broad framework and outlines the knowledge and skills and taught in each Key Stage. Teachers plan lessons for their class using our progression of knowledge and skills document. Teachers plan their art and design lessons, ensuring that they are suitable for their class’s interests and what they want to learn. The progression document ensures the curriculum is covered and the skills/knowledge taught are progressive from class to class, year to year. During our 3-year cycles, children will not cover all elements of the 3 year’s teaching until the end of that cycle.


Our art and design curriculum is a key element of our curriculum offer, not only through art lessons but through cross-curricular links. We use art as a tool for addressing curriculum breadth and also as a tool for well-being activities.

The art curriculum has been designed to ensure that children get an immersive creative education. The artists and makers we study are from all parts of the world and include both powerful male and female artists for the children to feel inspired by, and additionally historical and contemporary practitioners. There is a wealth of mediums that the children are introduced to across all classes, and familiar mediums that the children can practice and improve with.

We have a skills and progression document that carefully and clearly provides learning objectives for class teachers to utilise to ensure that children gain the skills and knowledge that they require in that given year.

We measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:

  • Images and videos of the children’s practical learning which demonstrate an improvement in skills
  • Pupil voice
  • Verbal feedback
  • Consistent sketchbook use which shows development and growth over time


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Contact the School

St Anne's Fulshaw CE Primary

Nursery Lane,

Main Contact: Ms Clare Daniel (Headteacher)

Tel: 01625 523536

SEN Contact: Ms Clare Daniel

SEN Email: